sound healing therapies
Sound healing can bring profound health benefits from pain relief to reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms, navigating out of the fight or flight state towards a deep relaxation and a parasympathetic activation.
It’s an ancient tool used for healing, fostering a meditative practice and self-transformation.
I’m very fortunate to have studied the art of sound healing & the practice of Himalayan Singing Bowls in Nepal with Master Shree a third generation shamanic sound healer.
The practice can include:
A Soundbath to mental peace
Chakra Balancing Treatments
Sound Massage
Sound Healing Therapy
Hot Water Massage
Promotes physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing
Rejuvenating for the mind & body
Improves sleep, can help with symptoms of insomnia
Reduced recovery time for injuries & surgeries
Releasing mental & emotional blockages
Reduce symptoms of migraines & tension headaches
Can alleviate symptoms of anxiety & depression
Releases stress & tension
Pain reduction
Promotes deep relaxation
Fosters greater connection with Heart & Spirit